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Главная >> Компании >> Зарубежные >> Wintak Petrochemical Group Ltd >> О компанииПечать      Помощь

Wintak Petrochemical Group Ltd

Wintak Petroleum and Petrochemical Group provides services in import, distribution, tank storage, transshipment, transportation, blending and quotation, etc. Our major products, such as industrial solvents, industrial oil, energy oil and various liquid-bulk chemicals, are from the first class manufacturers and suppliers in The United States, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Thailand, India, Saudi Arabia, West Europe, South Korea, etc.
Компания работала на NGE.RU с 16.09.2014 по 02.02.2017
Тел. (886-2) 2712-90-86 #381
Факс (886-2) 2712-98-04


О компании

Wintak Petroleum and Petrochemical Group provides services in import, distribution, tank storage, transshipment, transportation, blending and quotation, etc. Our major products, such as industrial solvents, industrial oil, energy oil and various liquid-bulk chemicals, are from the first class manufacturers and suppliers in The United States, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Thailand, India, Saudi Arabia, West Europe, South Korea, etc.

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  • Покупка нефтепродуктов
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