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Главная >> Компании >> Зарубежные >> Shiv-vani oil & gas exploration services ltd. >> О компанииПечать      Помощь

Shiv-vani oil & gas exploration services ltd.

we take pleasure in introducing Shiv-Vani Oil and Gas Explorations Services Ltd. as a leading and well-diversified listed company in India and Singapore, registered in India providing a wide spectrum of services including integrated services for E&P, to oil and gas industry in India and its neighboring countries. Shiv-Vani is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company and a registered member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC).
Компания работала на NGE.RU с 18.10.2012 по 11.03.2013
Тел. (919-89) 913-90-49


О компании

we take pleasure in introducing Shiv-Vani Oil and Gas Explorations Services Ltd. as a leading and well-diversified listed company in India and Singapore, registered in India providing a wide spectrum of services including integrated services for E&P, to oil and gas industry in India and its neighboring countries. Shiv-Vani is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company and a registered member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC).

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oil & gas


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