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Главная >> Компании >> Зарубежные >> Nanjing huazhou new material co.,ltd >> О компанииПечать      Помощь

Nanjing huazhou new material co.,ltd

Focusing on energy saving, environmental protection and circular economy, Nanjing Huazhou New Material Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacturing full series of corrosion inhibitors and fungicides. Based on one engineering technology institute and six basic labs, Huazhou develops through both independent innovation and technological assistance from Huazhong University of Science & Technology.
Компания работала на NGE.RU с 31.05.2021 по 30.08.2021
Тел. (861-302) 256-45-13


О компании

Focusing on energy saving, environmental protection and circular economy, Nanjing Huazhou New Material Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacturing full series of corrosion inhibitors and fungicides. Based on one engineering technology institute and six basic labs, Huazhou develops through both independent innovation and technological assistance from Huazhong University of Science & Technology.

Сфера интересов на торговой площадке


  • Продажа нефтепродуктов

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