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Главная >> Компании >> Зарубежные >> Heibechems co., Ltd >> О компанииПечать      Помощь

Heibechems co., Ltd

Our company is a professional production of intermediates and chemicals for many years, our products have been exported to Germany, Spain, UK, USA, Australia, Middle East, and to other countries, and we have received very good feedback from our customers. So you can trust us and we are the manufacturers, so you don't need to doubt the quality and service: Best service and after-sales service payments.
Компания работала на NGE.RU с 28.01.2021 по 30.04.2021
Тел. (861-672) 378-33-07


О компании

Our company is a professional production of intermediates and chemicals for many years, our products have been exported to Germany, Spain, UK, USA, Australia, Middle East, and to other countries, and we have received very good feedback from our customers. So you can trust us and we are the manufacturers, so you don't need to doubt the quality and service: Best service and after-sales service payments.

Сфера интересов на торговой площадке


  • Продажа нефтепродуктов

Рынки нефтепродуктов
  • Российский рынок

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