На торговой площадке представлены предложение и спрос на бензин, дизельное топливо, мазут и битум, нефть, газ и другие нефтепродукты российских предприятий.

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JPM Ventures.pte

JPM Ventures Pte. is the leading company in petroleum products and petrochemical related business. Othercompanies such as JPM Energy & Co. are also known as the leading companies for their own industrial sector. Our current business markets falls majorly in Southeast Asia region , China , some small region of Russia and Europe. JPM Groups and its subsidary companies are owned by the Teys' family and the government of other surrounding countries.
Компания работала на NGE.RU с 26.09.2016 по 26.02.2017
Тел. (886-97) 743-16-01


О компании

JPM Ventures Pte. is the leading company in petroleum products and petrochemical related business. Othercompanies such as JPM Energy & Co. are also known as the leading companies for their own industrial sector. Our current business markets falls majorly in Southeast Asia region , China , some small region of Russia and Europe. JPM Groups and its subsidary companies are owned by the Teys' family and the government of other surrounding countries.

Сфера интересов на торговой площадке


  • Продажа нефтепродуктов
  • Покупка нефтепродуктов

Рынки нефтепродуктов
  • Российский рынок
  • Экспорт нефтепродуктов

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