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Главная >> Компании >> Зарубежные >> GE Petroleum Equipment (Beijing) Co.,Ltd. >> О компанииПечать      Помощь

GE Petroleum Equipment (Beijing) Co.,Ltd.

GE Petroleum Equipment (Beijing) Co.,Ltd. ( GEPEC) is an international, integrated oil and gas (GE Holdings Group) corporation specializing in drilling equipment manufacturing and Directional Drilling technology services. It provides innovative solutions and maintenance to onshore and offshore drilling rigs for its global customers.
Компания работала на NGE.RU с 28.06.2016 по 27.09.2016
Тел. (0086-106) 811-60-55


О компании

GE Petroleum Equipment (Beijing) Co.,Ltd. ( GEPEC) is an international, integrated oil and gas (GE Holdings Group) corporation specializing in drilling equipment manufacturing and Directional Drilling technology services. It provides innovative solutions and maintenance to onshore and offshore drilling rigs for its global customers.

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